DNS servers DarkHost

To link a domain to the DarkHost virtual hosting, specify the hosting DNS.

How to change nameservers
The technique for changing Name Servers (NS) depends on the registrar.

The first option: contact the support service on the registrar's website with a request to change the name servers for your domain to:

If you are using a hosting service with ISPManager control panel:

  • ns1.darkhost.pro
  • ns2.darkhost.pro

The second option is to change the nameservers yourself. Please note that each registrar has its own editing interface and its own terms for applying changes. In general, to change NS on your own, you need to do the following steps:

  1. Log in to your personal account on the registrar's website
  2. Open the list of domains
  3. Find the "Change NS" button. In some cases, you need to additionally specify the "Custom NS list" option.
  4. Specify DarkHost name servers.
  5. Wait for the changes to be applied - from 1 to 72 hours.

The site will be available in a couple of hours
Some ISPs update DNS up to 72 hours. When updating DNS servers, the site may appear on the network, then disappear - this is normal. If more than 24 hours have passed since the change of DNS servers, and the site is still unavailable, we recommend that you contact your Internet provider with a request to update the DNS cache for the domain.

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