Creating a Mailbox

The mailbox is intended for receiving and transmitting emails. Each mailbox has an email address in the form "<mailbox name> @ <domain name>". For example, "".

To create a mailbox:

Go to Domains → Mail domains → Mailboxes → Create or, if at least one mailbox has been created in ISPmanager, to Accounts → Mailboxes.

Specify the Name of the mailbox. The name can use lowercase Latin characters, numbers, dashes and periods.

Select the mail Domain in which the mailbox will be created.

To create additional names for the mailbox in the same mail domain, enter them in the Aliases field. Emails received to alias addresses will be forwarded to the main name.

Specify the Password for access to the mailbox and its Confirmation.

Specify the Maximum size of disk space that the mailbox content can occupy. If the maximum size is exceeded, incoming emails will be rejected.

To forward received letters to your other e-mail addresses, specify them in the Send copies of letters to e-mail field. To delete originals of letters from the mailbox, enable the Do not save to mailbox option.

Turn on the additional options you want. They are available only if the corresponding module is installed and the corresponding option is enabled for the mail domain. For more information, see the articles Installing a Mail Server and Creating a Mail Domain.
Specify a Note if necessary. It is displayed in the list of boxes → column Properties.

  • Enable Greylisting - anti-spam mail filter. If the option is disabled, the mailbox is added to / <postfix directory> / postgrey_whitelist_recipients;
  • Enable SpamAssassin - an anti-spam mail filter. If the option is disabled, the mailbox is added to / <spamassassin directory> /;

For more information about filters, see the article Configuring Mail Domain Protection from Spam and Viruses.

Click Ok.

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