Do I need special technical knowledge to use site hosting from DarkHost?

Not necessary at all! DarkHost organizes everything so that it is understandable even for beginners, we give the opportunity to collect basic knowledge and show the possible direction of development. Many routine tasks like installing a content management system (CMS) or setting up email addresses can be done in just a few clicks, without technical knowledge.

Although this does not mean at all that if we give an easy start and continuation for beginners, then our hosting packages will not be suitable for experienced developers. Quite the opposite, since nothing prevents you from being both practical and versatile in the ability to customize the software.

If you have a question that you cannot deal with using our online guides, you can always contact our support team, they are always happy to help you find an answer. However, most of our clients can easily cope with the task of starting work on hosting without additional help, it's as simple as registering a profile on a new social network.

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