How do I create a .htaccess file?

Here's a quick guide on how to create a text file suitable for the .htaccess file:

1. Open a text editor on your computer. We recommend that you use Notepad (Windows), SimpleText (Macintosh), or Emacs (Linux / UNIX).

2. Save the file as .htaccess (including the period at the beginning of the name).

3. Make sure that your editor did not save the file with the .txt extension (In Windows, you can check this by right-clicking on the file and selecting "Properties"). If the filename has a .txt extension (i.e. '.htaccess.txt') then rename the file.

4. Before entering text into the file, make sure that "Word Wrap" is turned off. (Select "Format" in the top bar in Notepad and uncheck the box). This is important because most of the commands in the .htaccess file should be on one line only.

5. You can now enter text.

6. Upload the .htaccess file to the server with ASCII encoding. The rules in the .htaccess file will apply to all folders and subdirectories in which it is located.

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