Dear users of the free Light-Mini 2.0 tariff, in order to avoid misunderstandings, we notify you that every 30 days you should confirm the activity of your web resource.
These measures were taken to improve the quality of services provided.
The reason for this step was that some users, using the capabilities of the free tariff for creating web resources, later completely forgot about them, which eventually led to the emergence of a layer of "dead" resources that negatively affect the overall performance and do not carry any information value , and it was not possible to contact the owners of these resources.
The new mechanic works like this:
1. Each web resource on a free plan has a timer, when the time expires, the resource will be disabled (It is disabled, not deleted)
2. To prevent disconnection, you need to update the timer. After clicking on the "Refresh" button, the countdown will start again from the thirtieth day.
How is the timer updated?
In the client panel, select the "Services" section, then select a free tariff and click the "Update" button

Thursday, January 1, 1970

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